For so many years I wondered why cows are sacred in so many religions. Did you know that in India they often have more rights than Humans?
This could be because there are so many health benefits in Colostrum ‘the necessity of life’. Colostrum is the ‘first milk’ that is produced in the first 72 hours of all nursing mammals.
It has been used in ancient times by many different cultures for both nourishment and remedial purposes.
- The Scandinavians and northern Europeans eat colostrum and honey as a dessert to celebrate the birth of a healthy new born calf (as well as contribute to their own health).
- In the United States and throughout the world, colostrum was used for its antibiotic properties before to the use of sulfa drugs and antibiotics were available.
- In 1955 doctors prescribed a treatment plan based on colostrum (First Milk) to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
- Albert Sabin or the ‘father’ of poliomyelitis (also known as polio) discovered that colostrum contained antibodies against polio and in 1962 developed a successful vaccine.
- Its healing powers were called into play in the mid-1980s when children with rotavirus diarrhoea were treated successfully with bovine colostrum.
Colostrum the “necessity of life” has had over 1600 + Clinical trails it is one of the most researched nutritional supplement in the world.

Colostrum is Nature’s ultimate gift, 200 million years of intelligent design. The pre-milk fluid all female mammals provide for their infants in the first few days after birth. Colostrum provides vital immune and growth factors and essential vitamins and minerals which contribute to an infant’s healthy development and, in particular, to the development of a responsive immune system.Because colostrum is non-species specific, scientists have found bovine colostrum may support good health in humans long after birth – from infancy to old age. Naturally rich in highly concentrated compounds including immune components, antioxidants and factors to support healing.To obtain the maximum benefits of colostrum it is important that as much natural bioactive colostrum is delivered to the body as possible. Coating colostrum particles with the exclusive Alpha Lipid™ extract ensures they are protected as they pass through the harsh stomach environment. The Alpha Lipid™ coating is both water and fat soluble, improving dispersion and absorption of the colostrum particles into the body. A large number of scientific studies now support the health benefits of colostrum, and New Image International has the only patent-protected colostrum product in the world